
The SchoolCAPS survey

The school communication and psychosocial safety survey (SchoolCAPS) is a unique national survey measuring safe relationships at schools. A joint initiative between Coach and the Bully Zero Foundation, the SchoolCAPS survey is an important opportunity to reflect on school-wide communication, relationships, social safety and wellbeing, and their impact on the psychological health of the entire school community.

The SchoolCAPS survey has been developed in consultation with safe work and survey development experts. The item-set is aligned to Safe Work Australia’s guidelines for the prevention of workplace bullying, sexual harassment and workplace violence and aggression, as well as the national standard for education leadership best practice. It gives school leaders a chance to take stock and further enhance their existing efforts to create a safe, supportive, respectful school environment for everyone. This survey replaces assumptions and guesswork with evidence—allowing qualitative and quantitative insights to inform your ongoing investment in the safety, wellbeing and productivity of your school and its ongoing development.